Autodesk design review 2012
Autodesk design review 2012

autodesk design review 2012

  • No way to merge or edit existing DWF files.
  • No way to export a mark-up summary (for use in reports) (ADR exports to CSV).
  • No way to feed mark-up back to the file authoring tool (ADR markups import into AutoCAD and Revit platform) for review in context.
  • autodesk design review 2012

    No mark-up status (review, question, done) to track action on review comments.Very crude cloud, callout and text mark-up tools (compared to ADR).No compare sheets (to highlight changes between issues).No 3D model measure in browser (3D DWF or IFC for example).No 2D area or angle measure in browser (only some A360 apps).The problem is A360 (based on the BIM 360 Team I use), some four or five years later, is still lacking much of ADR’s review and publish capability such as:

    autodesk design review 2012

    In many ways this is correct as cloud hosting made file sharing much easier and integrated viewing eliminated the need/pain/hurdle of a local viewer install (albeit introducing browser compatibility hurdles for users who can’t choose their platform). The corporate response from Autodesk is ADR is obsolete, surpassed by the impressive A360 cloud services. It was so forgotten the installer offered by Autodesk until today came complete with a security flaw that required an immediate additional ‘hotfix’ upon first use of the application! Like a forgotten child, Autodesk Design Review (ADR) has been ignored since it was updated to the 2013 version (so really 2012).

    Autodesk design review 2012